Phil Stallard

There is an essence of my experience with the Hawkesbury, the landscape that I am concerned with. The thing that imbues the experience is evasive and hard to pin down.

Read artist interview

An Interview with Phil Stallard.

Paintings produced for this series were completed in two studios, one that I built in the bush on the Hawkesbury River during the time of covid, the other in Rozelle.  

These paintings reflect the past 6 months of my life, navigating the complexities of floods just to paint. Inspiration coming from glimpses out my car window and memory fragments of my wanderings through the Hawkesbury bush. Paintings started in my bush studio ending up in Rozelle for colour distillation.

In early stages of these new paintings, I’m flirting with realism but as painting progresses abstraction takes over as the painting gets saturated with colour and emotion.

There is an essence of my experience with the Hawkesbury, the landscape that I am concerned with. The thing that imbues the experience is evasive and hard to pin down. 

So, in this new series, I have attempted through the act of painting to get close to this mystery.

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